A Delicious Life

Step Into Your Bigger Soul’s Plan While You Craft Your Delicious Life With the Magic of Provence as the Perfect Backdrop 

Join me for a transformational 5-day, 4-night journey in Provence and within yourself. Embrace your next big move while indulging in a sacred community of conscious women while the beauty, authenticity, and flavors of Provence awaken your senses, nourish your soul, and transform your life.

JUNE 16-20, 2025

Provence Lavender Fields

Hello, Beautiful, I'd like to invite you to join me for a life-inspiring experience in Provence in my feminine mentorship and within a sisterhood of other kind women bold enough to step into their next big move, so you finally live out the dream or the message that’s been stirring in your soul

Have you felt a stirring inside, sensing something new, bigger, and more authentic is waiting to emerge within you? You are not alone. This feeling, often mixed with fear and confusion, is what I call "divine discontent." It signals that you're on the brink of your next evolution, your soul's grand plan.

It is a movement you’ve been thinking of creating, a dream you’re constantly thinking of, a business move or book you’ve dreamed of putting out there, a bold message you’ve not ignited or shared yet or an empowering way of being in your relationship you’ve not allowed yourself to express?

In the South of France, we will explore your next big authentic step, expand your threshold of authenticity, in business and life. This retreat is designed to catalyze a bold and courageous transformation into your new life, your own Delicious Life.

If you feel called to explore this next level of evolution within yourself, join me for a delicious week-long immersion in my Provencal farmhouse, under a magnificent 200-year-old tree. This sanctuary is the perfect place to safely delve into your next calling and have you give yourself permission to be the woman you’ve always wanted to be and say or do what you’ve always wanted to but didn’t have the courage to yet.

My philosophy for living a Delicious Life is simple - when you align with all that you dream of and the things you are passionate about, or the next project you are being called to experience in life, the universe responds with waves of abundance and joy. 

Many women are now coming into their power, and it is a movement of empowerment that is both personal and collective. You are not alone in this journey. 

Many are experiencing deconstruction, shifts, and displacement as they realign with their true purposes. This collective experience is a testament to the transformative power of divine discontent.
It's time to honor this discontent as a divine redirection. 

It's time to trust the process, even when it feels challenging. The beauty lies in the transformation, in the shedding of old layers, and in the birthing of something profoundly new and authentic.

What if we were to allow you the uninterrupted sacred space to work on that dream project, that big next step you’re thinking about (even if it doesn’t feel “logical”) and have you get all of your needs met? What if you gave yourself the permission to be, do, have and say all that your heart wants to, and make your ideal life a reality?

The Question Is, Why Would You Settle For Less Than Absolutely Everything Your Soul Wants For You? 

Together, we’ll look at what dreams you’ve been pushing down in the water like a beach ball for way too long, and finally give you the permission to live your truth, create that big next program, movement or launch, express yourself at work, in your most important relationships and in your desires, and explore what it means for you to be the most authentic version of yourself. 
This isn’t just “dreaming out loud”. We’ll get super strategic and reverse-engineer how you will step into your next big move and monetize it, live your best life, and be the fullest expression of who you really are. And then, you’ll walk away with an action plan to manifest your version of Your Next Level of Impact and A Delicious Life. 
As women, we often carry the weight of societal roles and expectations, which can feel like a trap, especially if we have dreams and purposes that we haven't allowed ourselves to fully activate. Embracing your feminine energy is crucial in this process. The feminine balances us, allowing us to receive and flow rather than just push and achieve.

In my own life and work, I have been deeply called to rebalancing into the feminine. This has involved shedding old ways and embracing a more intuitive, flowing approach to my work and life. It's about living through divine discontent, reclaiming it, and using it as a catalyst for growth and transformation.

"'Being with Fabienne in Provence for a week was a magical experience that had a profound impact on my life. Fabienne has a gift for creating a welcoming environment that encourages self-discovery and growth. Her wisdom, love, and guidance helped me to envision and work towards a life that is deeply fulfilling and authentic. The fact that it was held in Provence only added to the amazingness of it all. I came home with newfound confidence, a sense of purpose, and a toolkit of practices to implement in my everyday life. The retreat was truly a life-altering experience."
- Retreat Attendee

Let’s face it. You’re not going to make these bold changes on your own. If you could have, you would have already. You need sacred community and fearless mentorship

We women often talk ourselves out of our big dreams for fear of what people will think, afraid of rocking the boat and simply because of a deep seated fear that it either won’t work out or that we will be cast out of the tribe.

Throughout the week we will spend together, I will be your gate opener, your permission-giver, your spiritual midwife, your strategic partner and your confidant. We will all be that for you.

And while we have meaningful conversations and soul-shaking realizations, we will also embark on excursions to my favorite Provençal markets brimming with abundant local foods, we’ll taste and select olive oils for you to take back home (lavender honey too), and appreciate world-renowned wines that embody the essence of this region, that you can ship back home, if you like.

We’ll dine together, get to know each other, have fun and talk about what you dream of and how to make your most rewarding life a reality.

Here, we will have deep conversations, laughter, camaraderie, and if the mood presents itself, we may push the dining table to the side after Derek grills us an incredible meal so we can dance, or better yet, talk all night next to a fire beneath the stars, under cozy blankets.

Your Dreams, Desires, And Aspirations Matter. There Is No Room For Regret. The Time Is Now. 

I have since spoken to countless women who feel they have settled in many aspects of their life and business.

This feeling isn’t just boredom or dissatisfaction or restlessness. It is a profound internal knowing that you are meant for more, a divine redirection, urging you to shed old layers and step further into your authentic self. 

It's an invitation to realign with your true purpose, to let go of societal expectations, and to embrace the work and life that truly resonates with your soul.

Could Just A Week Change Your Life Forever? Apparently So. The Provence Retreat Is A Catalyst For Transformation

This intimate retreat is about giving you the space and inspiration to create a juicy, inspired, and deeply fulfilling life for yourself, even in the midst of what you already have going on around you.

This has been life-changing and a big jolt forward in abundance for the women who’ve been joining me in the South of France for the last few retreats. Nothing has come close to this level of transformation for them. And we do it all with incredible love and warmth.

The process for change can be daunting. Our human bodies are wired for survival, and any significant change can trigger our instinct to self-preserve. It's important to recognize this instinct, not judge it, and work with it using tools to reassure the nervous parts of you, understanding that this fear is a natural part of the journey.

This process changed their life too. And now, I’d like to share it with you.

Past participants are still raving about how it changed their lives at a core level

"'Being with Fabienne in Provence for a week was a magical experience that had a profound impact on my life. Fabienne has a gift for creating a welcoming environment that encourages self-discovery and growth. Her wisdom, love, and guidance helped me to envision and work towards a life that is deeply fulfilling and authentic. The fact that it was held in Provence only added to the amazingness of it all. I came home with newfound confidence, a sense of purpose, and a toolkit of practices to implement in my everyday life. The retreat was truly a life-altering experience."
- Retreat Attendee

I believe a Delicious Life involves all the senses,
so you feel what it's like to live fully.

We’ll dine together, get to know each other, have fun and talk about what you dream of and how to make your most rewarding life a reality.

Here, we will have deep conversations, laughter, camaraderie, and if the mood presents itself, we may push the dining table to the side after Derek grills us an incredible meal so we can dance, or better yet, talk all night next to a fire beneath the stars, under cozy blankets.

Some days will also be filled with hands-on coaching and excursions, but also fun times in kitchen, surrounded by the jazz or French café music.

Imagine a sacred space, in a loving community of women you will call friends, where you can manifest the life you've always dreamed of—a life filled with passion, purpose, and pleasure.

It's about giving yourself permission to put your needs first by unearthing and creating the Delicious Life of your dreams. 

We'll help you gain clarity on what your ideal life looks like, and together, we'll reverse-engineer your intentions, crafting a tangible plan to bring your dreams to fruition.
"Fabienne Provence retreat was a game-changer for me. It gave me a safe and supportive space to examine my life, reconnect with my desires, and reignite my zest for life. The activities, from cooking lessons to visiting all the villages I’d only dreamed of going before, were all curated with care and love. I returned home feeling rejuvenated and motivated to create a life that is aligned with my values and what makes me happy. Joining this retreat was one of the best decisions I've ever made."
- Retreat Attendee

Past participants are still raving about how it changed their lives at a core level

"Attending the 'A Delicious Life Retreat' with Fabienne was truly a transformative experience. It was as if I had walked into a space where I could fully be myself, unapologetically and completely. The retreat is so much more than just a getaway – it's an exploration of self and possibility. I can't thank Fabienne enough for creating this experience. It's been a few months since the retreat, and I still feel the effects rippling through my daily life. If you're on the fence, let me tell you, it's worth it. It’s more than worth it – it's life-changing."
- Retreat Attendee

It's time to release those dreams you've been pushing down into the water like a beach ball all these years.

In the stunning backdrop of Provence, surrounded by centuries-old landscapes, you'll be inspired to infuse even more beauty and fulfillment into your life.

Each sunrise will remind you that you're meant for more than just going through the motions, while each sunset over the lavender fields will invite you to embrace the life of your dreams.

Imagine a sacred space, in a loving community of women you will call friends, where you can manifest the life you've always dreamed of—a life filled with passion, purpose, and pleasure.

It's about giving yourself permission to put your needs first by unearthing and creating the Delicious Life of your dreams.

We'll help you gain clarity on what your ideal life looks like, and together, we'll reverse-engineer your intentions, crafting a tangible plan to bring your dreams to fruition.

"Fabienne Provence retreat was a game-changer for me. It gave me a safe and supportive space to examine my life, reconnect with my desires, and reignite my zest for life. The activities, from cooking lessons to visiting all the villages I’d only dreamed of going before, were all curated with care and love. I returned home feeling rejuvenated and motivated to create a life that is aligned with my values and what makes me happy. Joining this retreat was one of the best decisions I've ever made."

- Retreat Attendee

This intimate retreat has limited spots to ensure a personalized experience that you'll cherish forever.

I want to invite you to join me here, beautiful soul, for a week of transformation, eating delicious food with me daily, laughter, visits to markets and gorgeous villages, friendship, wine and olive oil tastings, and more.

Obviously, this intimate retreat has limited spots so you have a personalized experience. Past attendees will tell you, this is an experience you will never forget.

"The 'A Delicious Life Retreat' exceeded all my expectations. Fabienne’s approach of exploring what 'having it all' means on an individual level made the experience very personal and deeply rewarding. The mix of personal development, adventure, and culinary experiences was absolutely perfect. Not only did I leave with amazing memories, but I also came away with practical tools and insights that I've been able to integrate into my everyday life. If you're considering attending, don't hesitate. It's an investment in yourself that will pay dividends in the form of a more fulfilling and delicious life."
- Retreat Attendee

Arrival and departure dates and times

ARRIVAL: On Monday afternoon, you will join me and the other wonderful participants in an authentic Provençal farmhouse, surrounded by fields, to experience the south of France through my eyes and discover how to live simply with more pleasure. 

Arrive anytime after 4pm on Monday, receive a welcome goodie bag, and have time to get yourself settled in before aperitif and dinner. 

At 6pm, we will gather to kick things off with a glass of rosé and nibbles, introductions and connections, followed by a home-cooked dinner I’ve prepared for you. During dinner, we will share our intentions for the week (and your life).
DEPARTURE: On Friday afternoon, you will check out before 3pm. We will be happy to arrange to have a taxi waiting for you to whisk you off without hassle to your flight, train or your next destination.

Pricing options based on accommodations. 

We have carefully designed two distinct pricing options to suit your preferences and ensure an incredible experience tailored to your needs.


For those seeking the ultimate convenience, our On-campus Option provides a curated retreat experience where everything is taken care of for you. All you have to do is show up.

With Option One, you can enjoy the convenience of staying in a room at our retreat house. There is no need to find another accommodation or think about renting a car. From the moment you arrive until the time of your departure, you will always have access to your room at the house. Each room in the house is private, and some have their own bathrooms. Rooms with their own bathrooms are offered to those who register first.

Forget about the hassle of arranging your own transportation within Provence. We provide you with a hassle-free experience by including transportation services from the retreat venue to any of our excursions and back. Sit back, relax, and let us take care of all the logistics, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable journey for you.

Please know, there are a limited number of rooms in the house. When the house is full, Option Two (below) will be the only option available. 

(housing in the retreat venue + transportation included):

With our early bird pricing, you can reserve your place for the entire week-long experience for only $6,500 when paying in full (for a limited time). Alternatively, opt for our monthly installment plan of $1,750 for four months, resulting in a total of $7,000. (This includes a room at the house, all meals, wine, activities and transportation to excursions. Transportation to and from the retreat is not included in your fee.)

After early bird pricing ends, regular pricing for Option One goes up to is $7,500 if paid in full. Alternatively, opt for our three-month installment plan of $2,667 per month, resulting in a total of $8,000.


Experience our retreat in the most budget-friendly way with our Off-campus Option. This option not only offers you a more affordable pricing structure but also provides you with the flexibility to arrange your own accommodations and transportation, giving you complete control over your retreat experience.

By choosing the Off-campus Option, you can enjoy the serene beauty of Provence while staying at a location of your choice, even sharing with the other participants to save even more. (We can provide you options we know of, or you may choose your own, up to you!)

Whether you prefer a cozy bed and breakfast, a charming cottage, or any other accommodation that suits your taste and budget, the choice is entirely yours. This allows you to customize your retreat experience in a way that resonates with you.

Additionally, with the Off-campus Option, you have the freedom to rent a car (solo or with the others) and have complete autonomy. Whether you prefer to drive through the scenic countryside, call a taxi or take an Uber, you can choose the transportation method that is most convenient for you. This flexibility enables you to plan your trip according to your preferences and make the most of your time in Provence. (We do recommend renting a car for greater ease.)

Not only does the Off-campus Option provide you with affordability, it also allows you to have a more independent experience, tailored specifically to your needs and desires. So, if you are seeking both value and the freedom to create your own unique adventure, our Off-campus Option is the perfect choice for you.

(more affordable: independent accommodations + transportation):

Experience the retreat from a cozy off-campus location, in a charming nearby village or within the picturesque Provencal countryside. For a limited time, take advantage of our early bird offer of $5,000 for the entire week if you pay in full upfront. Alternatively, you can choose our convenient installment plan of $1,375 per month for four months, totaling $5,500 for the retreat.

When early bird pricing ends, regular pricing for Option Two is set at $6,000 if paid in full. Alternatively, you can choose our three-month installment plan of $2,167 per month, totaling $6,500. 

The choice is yours, according to your needs.

How to get to Provence

RETREAT DATES: September 16th to, September 20th, 2024 (Monday afternoon to Friday afternoon)

WHERE: Maillane (near Avignon and St-Rémy-de-Provence, in the Alpilles region of Provence (exact retreat location shared upon registration). 

ABOUT THE HOUSE: The Provencal Mas is a spacious and beautiful home nestled in the heart of the stunning Alpilles Natural Park. Ideal for nature lovers and those seeking wide open spaces, it offers an immersive experience in a serene environment. Surrounded by fields and olive trees, the Mas proudly faces ancient plane trees shading the terrace.

This two-century-old Provencal farmhouse, perfect for countryside enthusiasts, has been completely renovated. The living rooms and kitchens open onto a beautiful terrace overlooking the garden with a table for over 20 people. 

This location is a peaceful haven for enjoying the joys of Provencal countryside. The surrounding landscape is stunning, with numerous hiking trails accessible from the house. 

The geographical location is ideal, with the famed village of Saint Rémy de Provence with its cafés, restaurants, and Roman ruins being just a 10-minute drive. You’ll be just a few minutes more to Avignon and close to exceptional natural sites like Baux de Provence and the famous Ocres of Roussillon.  

Arles and Avignon are 25 minutes by car, and Marseille, the beaches of Saintes Maries de la Mer and Aix en Provence are all about an hour away.

The property features loungers around a beautiful pool, with options to sit in the shade of umbrellas, in the sun, or journaling under the shade of plane trees.

OUR RECOMMENDATION: From speaking with past participants (and living in Paris ourselves) we would like to recommend that you land in Paris and enjoy the city for a day or the weekend before joining us in Provence. This is a fantastic way to see the beauty of the City of Light before you take the high speed train from Paris to Avignon TGV from the Gare de Lyon. 

This is a beautiful way to arrive in style in a high speed train that gives you stunning views of France in just 2.5 hours, without any airport hassles and long taxi lines. If you wish, you can head back to Paris via train after our retreat or this time, go home from the Marseille airport, an hour's drive from the retreat house. 

TRAVEL INFORMATION: While more information will be provided upon registration, here are some basics about getting here. 

AIR: The closest major airport is Marseille, approximately an hour from Maillane by car or taxi. 

TRAIN: The closest TGV station (France’s super-fast bullet train) is the Avignon TGV station. There are a number of daily fast trains (TGV) from the PARIS-GARE DE LYON station to AVIGNON TGV. The trip takes less than 2.5 hours. Please note that the Avignon-Centre station is in the center of Avignon, whereas the Avignon-TGV station is 6 km from the town center. 

All major rental car agencies can be found at the Auignon TGV train station. For best rates, it is advisable to reserve your car from the U.S. securing a fixed rate in advance. 

Rome2Rio helps you discover how to get anywhere by plane, train, bus, ferry or car: https://www.rome2rio.com/  
Rail Europe can book your TGV reservations with train ticket delivery in the U.S. : https://www.raileurope.fr/  
For train information including online ticketing: https://www.sncf.com/en 
WHAT’S NOT INCLUDED: The retreat investment does not include airline tickets, taxes & baggage fees, travel insurance (although it is recommended), travel to and from the airport or train station on Monday or Friday, or any meals, excursions or activities you engage in when we are not together. 

Remember, the early bird pricing is only available for a limited time, so act now to secure your preferred option at a discounted rate. Reserve your spot today and embark on a transformative retreat unlike any other.

About your Host, Fabienne

Your host during the entire retreat will be Fabienne Fredrickson, beloved coach to women, and passionate advocate for living a life that's juicy, inspired, and deeply fulfilling. As the author of Embrace Your Magnificence and creator and host of the 'A Delicious Life' Retreats, she guides women in the exploration of 'having it all', whatever 'all' means to them.

Fabienne's unique approach is underpinned by a philosophy for living well with less effort, believing that we should never settle for less than absolutely everything. She encourages each woman she works with to be the fullest, most unapologetic expression of themselves, infusing her retreats with a dynamic blend of personal growth, culinary delights, and unforgettable experiences.

With a heart for helping women embrace their magnificence, get out of their own way, and live a fuller, richer, more abundant life, Fabienne is dedicated to guiding others on their path to self-discovery. Whether through her writings, her speaking engagements, or her transformative retreats, she empowers women to bring joy back into their lives, get their needs met, increase their abundance and pleasure, give themselves permission to boldly go after their dreams, live passionately and with purpose, to embrace self-love and femininity, and to create a delicious life that is all your own. 

Ready to join us? Choose your experience below. 

Enjoy early bird pricing for a limited time


Our On-campus Option provides a curated retreat experience where everything is taken care of for you. All you have to do is show up. Please know, there are a limited number of rooms in the house. When the house is full, Option Two will be the only option available. 
  •  convenience & luxury
  • stay in a room at the retreat home
  • hassle-free experience
  • transportation services to and from excursions is included


Our Off-campus Option not only offers you a more affordable pricing structure but also provides you with the flexibility to arrange your own accommodations and transportation, giving you complete control over your retreat experience. It's the perfect blend of freedom and affordability.
  •  budget-friendly
  • ​independent experience
  •  stay at a location of your choice
  • complete freedom to rent a car
On-campus is on a first-come/first-to-choose bedroom arrangement. All rooms are private rooms.
Off-campus requires for you to have your own transportation to and from the property and other locations for events and experiences.
"A Delicious Life Retreat' was an inspiring and truly unforgettable experience. Fabienne's warmth, wisdom, and guidance gave me the courage to dream bigger and the tools to make those dreams a reality. The backdrop of Provence added an extra layer of magic to the retreat, with its stunning landscapes and abundant offerings. This experience truly helped me reshape my life. I came home filled with a renewed sense of purpose and a greater appreciation for the abundance life has to offer. It was nothing short of phenomenal!"
- Retreat Attendee
"I attended 'A Delicious Life Retreat' with Fabienne, and it has profoundly changed my perspective on life. The retreat allowed me to explore my dreams, examine why I put the needs of others before my own, and learn to live passionately. The setting, the group of extraordinary women, and Fabienne’s guidance combined to create an atmosphere of inspiration and empowerment. This retreat was more than just a week in Provence; it was a journey towards a more authentic, fulfilled life. I can't recommend it enough!"
- Retreat Attendee

A few images from our last Delicious Life retreat in Provence

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Due to logistics and the many people involved, this is a non-refundable retreat, so please register only if you know you can attend. However, we would happily transfer your spot to someone else should you be unable to make it and know someone who will take your spot. If a replacement traveler is found, we will bank 100% of your paid fee as a credit to use for another workshop, retreat, masterclass, or creative gathering less an administration charge of $250 and less any fees that were incurred to make the transaction. We encourage you to have a valid travel insurance before embarking on the trip.